Thriving Forward
Too often Rochester, NY is featured in the news for its problems. But this area is rich with community-based organizations striving to improve the lives of its residents. Join local pediatricians Megan Lasaponara and Sarah Collins-McGowan as they interview people who are involved in good works all over the region. We will learn about each organization and how our guests found their path to community-based work. If you are ready to hear good news and feel inspired by what Rochester has to offer, join us as we talk to the people making our community ever better.
Thriving Forward
Tracey Taylor Co-Chair Monroe County LEICC
Megan Lasaponara & Sarah Collins-McGowan
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00:00 | 31:27
September is Early Intervention Awareness Month! On today's podcast Megan speaks with Tracey Taylor. Tracey is the co-chair of the Monroe County Local Early Intervention Coordinating Council, an Occupational Therapist, and a parent. She is also the interim program director for the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program at Bryant and Stratton College.
Monroe County Website: https://www.monroecounty.gov/hdchild-ei
Early Intervention Phone: 585 753-KIDS (585 753-5437)
Email Tracey Taylor: tmtaylor@bryantstratton.edu
EI Awareness Month 2022 Info: https://www.monroecounty.gov/hdchild-ei-awareness-month